
Park Hosting Old-Style Picnic and Hoedown

The city plans to jump back in time Saturday with an old-fashioned family picnic and hoedown in Central Park.

Children and adults can take part in face painting, egg tosses, competition pie eating, relays, bingo and other activities--all free.

Families should plan to bring their own picnic meals but they can buy their beverages at the park.


Prizes, popcorn and cotton candy will be given away throughout the event, which runs from 3 to 6 p.m. at the park, 7821 Walker St.

Everyone is invited to stay for performances starting at 6:30 as part of the Concert in the Park series.

Featured acts are Blazing Boots and Celia.

The city’s Cultural and Beautification Committee is still looking for volunteers to help with the party.


For more information, call: (714) 522-6740.
