
Laird’s Contract Talks With Oakland Stalled


The contract negotiations between Gerald Laird and the Oakland Athletics appear to be at a standstill.

Laird, a two-time Times Orange County Player of the Year and a second-round pick by Oakland in the June draft, has been offered a $420,000 signing bonus by the A’s, according to his agent, Alan Meersand.

It is a figure Laird and Meersand deem too low. Meersand said he countered with an offer “in seven figures to start negotiations” and that the Athletics have not made another offer.


Meersand said he considered Laird’s market value between $650,000 and $800,000.

“If it were up to [general manager] Billy Beane and [director of scouting] Grady Fuson they wouldn’t have a problem paying what I and others think is fair value,” Meersand said. “But the [A’s negotiators] are trying to slot Gerald in some fantasy number that has no application for the 1998 market.”

Meersand said Laird was considered the top catching prospect in this year’s draft. He pointed out that last year’s top catching prospect, Matt Lecroy, was the 50th pick, by Minnesota, and Lecroy’s signing bonus was $775,000.

“Right now there is a considerable gap between the club and the player, which is fair,” Beane said. “We appreciate his position, but we want him to appreciate ours. We think highly of him, and realize he has options. But the A’s have options beyond Laird.”


Laird, who graduated from La Quinta High in June, was the first county prep player to average .600 for a season. He paced the Aztecs to a 30-victory season and the Southern Section Division IV final against eventual champion Ocean View.

He has an athletic scholarship in hand to attend Arizona State, where he would have to report by Aug. 26. But if Laird goes there, Meersand said, he would have to wait three years to re-enter the draft.

Should Laird not sign, Meersand said he has advised Laird to enroll in Cypress College by Aug. 17, allowing him to re-enter the draft next year.


“I’m trying not to let it bother me,” Laird said. “I’m hoping for the best.”
