
Residents Get Break on Fees for Permits

To help residents repair property damage caused by winter storms, the city will temporarily waive building permit fees.

Fees normally charged for roof repairs, plumbing, electrical systems and structural damage will be dismissed for residents with documented damage.

Waivers provide residents extra help with an already expensive endeavor, said Donald D. Lamm, deputy city manager. “In these rough times, we want to get them moving on repairs,” Lamm said.


Residents and business owners will save $75 to $1,000. Only those with damages incurred from Nov. 1, 1997 to May 1, 1998 qualify. But residents have until June 1 to file a claim in the Building Department on the second floor of City Hall, 77 Fair Drive. Weekday hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

For information: (714) 754-5270.
