
Haun Tells TV Show Dally Framed Her

In a televised interview broadcast this week, convicted murderer Diana Haun said her former lover, Michael Dally, had asked her to kill his wife--and then framed her for the crime.

At the same time, Haun, 37, continued to maintain her innocence by stating that she did not participate in the May 6, 1996, murder of Sherri Dally.

She said Michael Dally, her lover for two years, asked her to run errands for him--such as renting a car--without revealing his true purpose.


“Mike wanted me to get some things for him as a joke,” Haun said during a taped interview with “Hard Copy” that aired Thursday night.

The interview was held at the Ventura County Jail last month while prosecutors considered using Haun as a witness during the penalty phase of Dally’s trial.

Prosecutors and defense attorneys said Friday that, while intriguing, Haun’s statements will have no bearing on the case.


“She has already been found guilty,” said attorney James Farley, who represents Dally.

Farley said some of Haun’s remarks appeared lifted from the testimony of prosecution witness Sallie Lowe. Lowe told jurors that Dally, a former boyfriend, often complained about his wife and asked Lowe if she could kill her.

“It’s the Sallie Lowe testimony,” Farley said of Haun’s interview. “She must have read it in the paper. She’s lying through her teeth.”

Haun was convicted of first-degree murder, kidnapping and conspiracy in September 1997 with a special circumstance that she killed for financial gain. She was sentenced to life in prison without parole.


Dally was convicted of the same charges in April. The jury deadlocked on a death sentence in the penalty phase last week. Prosecutors have until May 11 to decide whether to retry that portion of the case.

Farley said Haun’s statements should not affect those proceedings.
