
Foreigners Expelled

Robert Benson (letter, April 21) states that the Mexican government is “breaking the law” in the case of foreigners expelled from the southern state of Chiapas. Nothing could be further from the truth. Mexico has always been a nation open to all cultural manifestations and to visitors from the world over. Mexico has also traditionally been a country of asylum and shelter for political exiles. Most of them have remained in Mexico for good.

But Mexico’s Constitution clearly establishes in its Articles 9 and 33 that “foreigners may not, under any circumstances, meddle in political affairs of the country.” The 12 persons of foreign nationalities recently expelled from Chiapas were flagrantly violating their migratory status by interfering in political matters that are the sole responsibility of Mexican citizens.

Strict adherence to domestic and international law and complete respect of the human rights of the expelled individuals have been observed at all times.



Consul General of Mexico

Los Angeles
