
Spicy Mash

When it comes to Thanksgiving, I’m pretty much a traditionalist. I still like my mother’s recipes for pumpkin pie and mincemeat pie best, and I make my turkey and stuffing the way I remember eating it at home growing up. I do, however, like to vary the side dishes.

This year I decided to spice up my basic mashed potatoes with turnips and a touch of wasabi, the Japanese version of horseradish. Wasabi can be purchased in either a powdered or paste form. Powdered wasabi needs to be mixed with enough water or broth to form a paste. Both are found in Asian markets and the ethnic food aisles or sushi section of most supermarkets. Add more wasabi paste if you want a stronger taste. The potatoes will go well with roast turkey, pork or beef.

Deane is director of The Times Test Kitchen. Her new book, “Low Fat Kitchen,” with more than 100 recipes, is available by calling (800) 246-4042. The price is $20.45 including shipping and sales tax.


Wasabi Mashed Potato Blend

Active Work Time: 20 minutes * Total Preparation Time: 50 minutes * Vegetarian-Adaptable

2 1/2 pounds red potatoes

1 pound turnips

1 teaspoon wasabi paste

2 tablespoons chicken or vegetable broth

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

Cracked mixed peppercorns

Chives, snipped or chopped

Peel red potatoes and cut into 2-inch chunks. Put potatoes in bowl of cold water as you peel them to prevent discoloration.

Peel turnips and cut into 2-inch chunks.

Steam potatoes and turnips in large steamer until fork-tender, about 30 minutes.

Put potatoes and turnips through ricer.

Blend together wasabi paste and chicken broth. Stir into potatoes along with salt and bit of cracked peppercorns.

Spoon into warm serving bowl. Garnish with additional cracked peppercorns and a few snipped chives.


8 (1/2-cup) servings. Each serving: 128 calories; 501 mg sodium; 0 cholesterol; 0 fat; 29 grams carbohydrates; 4 grams protein; 1.11 grams fiber.

Bowl in photo above from Williams-Sonoma stores.
