
Southland’s High Egg Prices

* Re “Suit Seeks to Crack Case of Region’s Higher Egg Prices,” April 2: On March 29, I purchased a 36-pack of large eggs from Vons in La Habra for $4.59 with my store club card. That works out to $1.53 per dozen or less than 13 cents per egg, excellent food value for that price. My summation of the alleged price-fixing lawsuit is that one should not ask lawyers and economists how to get the best buy at supermarkets year-round. Go to the professional shoppers, the moms and homemakers. Quantities are usually cheaper. If we cannot use 36 eggs, we split them with a neighbor and do the same when strawberries are sale-priced per flat.

If egg farmers are not being given their fair share, this is a problem and should be corrected.


La Habra


As a longtime resident of L.A. and someone who grew up here, I read with interest the article on eggs. My wife and I are here on a short visit to friends. I am incredulous that people will allow the markets to charge what they do for eggs. I had to buy some and was amazed to see the price was $1.99 per dozen for the store brand but with a Ralph’s card, a bargain at $1.79. There were other brands that went up as high as $3.09 per dozen.


In Arizona, not a week goes by that some chain or other does not have a special on eggs from 39 cents to 69 cents a dozen. Sometimes, two dozen for $1. Normal price is a little higher, $1.29 or so. But never $2 or more a dozen!


Tempe, Ariz.
