
Girl Scout Camp

Re “Scout Camp, Neighbors Draw a Line in the Road,” Ventura County Life column, July 25.

Of all the misinformation dispensed by Cynder Sinclair of the Girl Scout Council, the bit that galls the most is the image of a superhighway through the Scout camp used by residents of Old Creek Road to endanger the kids.

I have lived here 25 years, before the Scout camp existed. Believe me, no one would feel worse should a child come to harm.

The reality is this: It’s winter. It’s cold. The days are short. The kids are in school. There are no Scouts at the camp during the periods we must use its road as a lifeline to the outside world.


I suggest anyone who would have children camp out during torrential rain by a raging river [San Antonio Creek during El Nino] is guilty of child endangerment.

A central fact is this: During the 24 years we and the Girl Scouts have coexisted not one Scout has suffered any harm at our hand. It’s tough to gun people down at 5 mph.

I understand the Scout leaders plan to soon introduce horses to the scouting experience. I wonder what an actuary would predict about harm from this source for the next 24 years.


Meanwhile, the good people of Old Creek Road are denied the means to educate their children, support their families, even put food on their tables. (Ms. Sinclair says to “plan ahead.” El Nino year required use of the Scout road for a minimum of 30 straight days. I’d like to see her “plan.”)

All we ask is that common sense and decency prevail.

Forgive me if any future donations to the United Way stipulate that zero dollars are to go to the Girls Scouts of America.


