
2000 Election

Re Robert Scheer’s “Now That End Is Near, GOP Can’t Let Go,” Column Left, Feb. 9: I am not liberal but I always end up voting for Democratic candidates by default once the Republican candidates give in to the far right. Now Texas Gov. George Bush Jr. comes along and shows promise for me with his “compassionate conservative” slogan, as a new-generation politician who gets it--a fiscal conservative who would represent all Americans. His slogan is immediately shot down by Gary Bauer, Steve Forbes, Lamar Alexander and Dan Quayle!

Does the GOP think any of these presidential hopefuls have even the slimmest chance of being elected?




With reference to Doug Gamble’s exercise in wishful thinking in his Feb. 9 Column Right, “Don’t Bet on Democrats in 2000 Elections,” in which he says: “The conventional wisdom that the GOP is doomed is incorrect and I’d be willing to bet my prized ‘Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy’ coffee mug on it.”


I’ll take that bet and when he sends the mug, I’ll be happy to replace it with one which says: “Half-Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.”


San Buenaventura, Calif.


Now I know why I never thought Reagan/Bush speeches were compelling or their humor laughable: Gamble. His Column Right is a classic example of GOP sore-loser mentality. As Scheer comments, the GOP can’t let go.


