

The Golden Rain Foundation’s Business Planning and Finance committees will meet jointly today to decide on the proposed business plan for next year. The budget totals $24.5 million in expenditures, or $126 per housing unit per month; that’s an increase of slightly less than $3 per unit per month over last year, said Robert Ring, Golden Rain Foundation president. Ring said the increase comes primarily from staffing changes, inflation and changes in service levels.

The largest portion of the business plan, totaling nearly $5.2 million, stems from the community/government relations division, which hopes to add as many as six cable channels and increase the social services staff from 2 1/2 to three positions. More than $4 million is being earmarked for maintenance expenses, with the remaining $15 million proposed for the other divisions.

The meeting takes place at 1:30 p.m. at the Leisure World administration building boardroom, 23522 Paseo de Valencia.
