
Earthwatch: A Diary of the Planet


The most powerful earthquake to strike western Washington state in 30 years injured four people and caused damage ranging from collapsed roofs and toppled chimneys to gas leaks and power failures southwest of Seattle.

Earth movements were also felt along the California-Nevada border, and in southwest Mexico, south-central Alaska, a remote island of southern Japan, Taiwan, northern New Zealand and eastern Romania.


True Sex Appeal

Australian zoologists have determined that good parenting and not colorful plumage is what determines a sparrow’s attractiveness to the opposite sex. Protective avian fathers who groom their offspring and protect them from attack produce healthy, well-adjusted males that attract the females of the species. Queensland University zoologist Ian Owens reported that biologists have believed that females chose their mates because of colorful plumage. But parasites can rob the birds of their vibrant colors and strength.



‘Catastrophic’ Drought

The lingering drought that has parched many parts of Iran in recent weeks has cost the country’s agriculture sector an estimated $2.5 billion, according to Construction Minister Mohammad Said Kya. He told parliament that “the current year will be catastrophic for our agriculture.” The legislative body has agreed to consider a bill to tackle the consequences of the drought, which has been described as the worst in the country in 40 years.


Yangtze Floods

The death toll from the recent flooding along China’s Yangtze River now stands at 240. The floods, which began in late June, have destroyed nearly half a million homes and swamped 1.6 million acres of cropland. An estimated 1.8 million people have been evacuated.


Siberian Swarms

Swarms of locusts migrating from Kazakhstan devoured large tracts of crops in central Siberia during a span of only a few days. The insects were first observed near Novosibirsk, about 1,750 miles east of Moscow. They later descended on 1,250 acres of sunflower and grain crops, which are the key agricultural output of the region. The devastation comes as grain supplies are dwindling across Russia.



Record Snowstorm

New Zealand’s biggest snowstorm in 25 years closed down ski resorts and wreaked havoc with traffic. The South Island had more than 39 inches of snowfall in a 24-hour period. The unexpected storm was a welcome surprise for local residents, as it arrived just before the the start of the country’s annual Winter Festival.


Additional Sources: U.S. Climate Analysis Center, U.S. Earthquake Information Center and the World Meteorological Organization.
