
Views on Labor Issues

Associated Press

Union members make up 14% of the work force, down from 20% in 1983. The federal minimum wage is $5.15 an hour. Below are positions of the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates on some labor issues.


Bill Bradley: Favors unspecified minimum wage increase. Favors stronger picketing rights, ban on permanent striker replacements and ban on federal contracts for companies that break labor laws. Backed free trade agreements opposed by organized labor. Would consider limiting compulsory overtime work.

Al Gore: Favors $1 increase in minimum wage over two years. Would give workers the option of time off in compensation instead of overtime pay, despite worries by labor that workers might be forced to take time instead of money. Joined in administration’s fight for family leave and against attempts to weaken some labor laws. Backed free trade agreements opposed by labor. Opposes forcing unions to get approval from individual members before spending any of their dues on political contributions.



Gary Bauer: Undecided on minimum wage. Backed North American free trade deal opposed by organized labor.

Patrick J. Buchanan: Opposes liberalized trade agreements also opposed by organized labor. Opposes raising minimum wage.

George W. Bush: Favors $1 minimum wage increase but would let states opt out. Backed free trade agreements opposed by labor. Favors forcing unions to get approval from members before spending any dues on political contributions.


Elizabeth Hanford Dole: Former labor secretary mediated labor disputes and acted against child labor violations. Favors liberalized trade.

Steve Forbes: Backed negotiation of free trade. Opposes minimum wage increase. Favors limits on unions’ ability to make political contributions from member dues.

Orrin Hatch: Says raising minimum wage cuts jobs for working poor. Opposes banning permanent striker replacements.


Alan Keyes: Opposes minimum wage increase. Has called free trade agreements “socialist.”

John McCain: Opposes minimum wage increase. Backed free trade and allowing overtime to be taken in time off. Favors requiring unions and corporations to get approval from union members and stockholders before making political contributions. Voted against banning permanent striker replacements.

Source: Associated Press
