
No Pacifist Division Title for Kobe

For once Kobe shows some passion in a game! Not that I excuse fighting (OK, I am), but the New York Knicks are nothing but a bunch of thugs worthy only of the late-’80s Pistons. Bryant was clearly defending himself against a provocation.

Note to the Knicks: Cheap-shot all you want, you’ll still be watching the Lakers in June.


Los Angeles


You quoted Shaquille O’Neal as saying, “You can’t let a guy punch you in the face on national TV and just walk away.” I beg to differ. Kobe is a well-paid superstar for the Lakers and a role model to thousands of kids around the world. The best thing Kobe could have done for his team, the fans and the thousands of kids who look up to him was walk away, especially on national TV.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe that you should just let people punch you and never defend yourself, but the league has rules to deal with these situations and so many children emulate their favorite athletes and entertainers.



Los Angeles


After watching the Lakers systematically destroy the Knicks in what was quite likely a preview of the NBA finals, the thought occurred to me that Shaq, “KO” Kobe and the guys are having entirely too much fun. My only question is, can we repeat?


Palos Verdes Estates
