
Tom Fuentes’ Cosmic Anarchy in O.C. Politics

* We know Orange County politics is in a state of cosmic anarchy when Thomas A. Fuentes, the indefatigably entrenched conservative chairman of the county Republicans, welcomes “liberals” into the party (Letters, April 2).

Fuentes ridicules the New Majority Committee members as “misled liberal multimillionaires” who intended to gather money “from local wealthy folks who want to change the GOP’s conservative stance on the issues.”

And then in the next breath he boldly invites into the expanding tent of the Republican Party “both rich men and working people.”


Does this staunchly conservative Republican really believe that rich men do not work? Or is this faux pas another example of his feeble use of the language?

This must be the same Chairman Fuentes who assured Times readers in September 1996 that Bob Dole would be elected president and that “Democrats are running scared in Orange County.”


Mission Viejo
