
Casino Boat Gambles on New Venture

A joint venture between the Viejas Band of Mission Indians and Florida-based Commodore Holdings Ltd. this week plans to start casino-boat sailings between San Diego and Rosarito Beach, Mexico.

The 850-passenger Enchanted Sun, offering 370 slot machines plus roulette, craps, blackjack and pai gow, will leave San Diego at 6 p.m. daily, give passengers about 45 minutes ashore in Rosarito Beach and return to San Diego by 2 a.m., a spokeswoman said. The fare, excluding $9 port tax, is $49 Monday to Thursday and $59 on weekends; there are also morning departures on weekends.

The ship, the first venture by a California Indian tribe into gambling off reservations, had rough sailing in the state legislature, where a bill allowing it special operating rules was passed and then blocked last month by Gov. Gray Davis, who refused to sign it. Operators say they can run the ship within existing law. Tel. (888) 329-2789.
