

A homeowner suing the Turtle Rock Park and Recreation Assn. added two charges to her lawsuit as the Superior Court trial stretched into its third week.

Homeowner Alisa Ross filed her case in June, alleging that an Irvine Swim League youth team monopolizes the community swimming pool by holding practices four times a week and swim meets during the summer.

The suit seeks to protect homeowners should a team member be injured and secure equal space for swimmers who don’t belong to the Sharks.


Alexandria Phillips, Ross’ attorney, rested her case Monday after arguing to include charges that the association breached its fiduciary duty by driving up maintenance costs and opening the homeowners to liability, and that the swim team created a nuisance.

Board member Michael Quinlan testified Friday that he voted to allow the Sharks to hold regular summer practices at the neighborhood pool because it was consistent with the community’s articles of incorporation and bylaws.
