
Nominees for U.S. Senate and House Seats Are Picked in Texas Runoffs

Associated Press

A retired military attorney won the Democratic nomination Tuesday to run against Republican incumbent Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in November, while a longtime state lawmaker won the Republican nomination for retiring GOP Rep. Bill Archer’s seat.

The two races were among four runoffs held in Texas for Senate and House nominations.

In the Senate contest, South Texan Gene Kelly, who lost six previous statewide races, defeated former one-term state Rep. Charles Gandy. They had emerged from a field of five Democrats in the March 14 primary.

Hutchison, whose campaign has more than $6 million in the bank, will be the heavy favorite in November.


Fourteen-year state Rep. John Culberson defeated businessman Peter Wareing in a bitterly fought runoff for Archer’s seat.

Culberson branded Wareing a disloyal Republican for voting in six Democratic primaries.
