
Panel Backs Jackson Bill on Speed Limits

Assemblywoman Hannah-Beth Jackson’s bill to allow local authorities to set speed limits based upon residential density and the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists has been approved by a state transportation committee.

Current law states that only engineering and traffic surveys can determine speed limits.

But Jackson’s AB 2767 would permit local authorities to use pedestrians, bicyclists and the number of residents in an area to gauge the need for speed enforcement.

The Assembly Transportation Committee approved the bill 13 to 3 last week.

“Local residents should be able to feel safe crossing the street or pulling out of their driveways,” Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) said in a written statement. “Local authorities should have the discretion to consider the safety of their residents when setting speed limits.”


Among the groups that support the bill are the Livable Streets Coalition, League of California Cities, California Assn. of Counties, California State Automobile Assn. and Sierra Club.

Jackson represents Ventura, Ojai, Santa Paula and most of Santa Barbara County.
