
Sink Signs On to Coach Boys’ Cross-Country Team at Brea Olinda

Jeff Sink, who resigned after coaching Brea Olinda to its third consecutive girls’ basketball state championship, has been hired as boys’ cross-country coach at the school.

“His interest has always extended to running and conditioning,” boys’ Athletic Director Ron Hampton said.

Sink coached sprinters four seasons and distance runners the last two years for the boys’ track team.


Sink left the time-consuming demands of the basketball program to pursue a photography business that will allow him to shoot African wildlife during the summer. Cross-country is a fall sport, and he is currently seeking an assistant.

Sink coached cross-country for 14 years in Alaska before arriving at Brea for the 1994-95 school year. He also assisted, in an unofficial capacity, with the cross-country team his first two years at Brea.

Sink replaces Cliff Curtis, a walk-on coach who resigned.
