
Custody Battle Over Elian

The outrageous arrogance and hypocrisy of the “freedom-loving” people who now hold Elian Gonzalez hostage is enough to take one’s breath away. And given the shameless exploitation of this unfortunate child by his new “family,” their numerous broken promises to hand him over to his father, as well as their disregard for the rule of law, combined with the systemic corruption and pervasive lawlessness of south Florida, I can only conclude that Elian will in fact be better off in Cuba with his father.

Whatever freedom he will derive from being raised by these bad examples in the U.S. seems like cold comfort when one looks closely at the toxic environment in which Elian now finds himself trapped.


Los Angeles


This Elian controversy is ridiculous and time-consuming. His mother is dead and he has a father and a half-brother. We can’t save all of Cuba by bringing Cubans to America. Elian should go live with his father. End this circus once and for all.



Los Angeles


President Clinton, in his defense of Atty. Gen. Janet Reno’s handling of the Elian custody battle, insists that the rule of law must be upheld (April 16). Curiously, Clinton apparently had a very different opinion of the law when he lied to the American people and allegedly committed perjury in the Monica Lewinsky affair. Is this not the height of hypocrisy, or what?


Los Angeles
