
Click Here / A roundup of recommended Web sites

* I swear it’s true: No, really, it happened to my cousin’s best friend’s girlfriend’s plumber. Make your own urban legends at

* For keypad potatoes: If a few multiple choice questions are too much work for your own urban legend, check out the “real” ones at Urban Legend Magazine:*dbaxo/urban_legend.htm.

* Free your code, your mind will follow: Bill’s having a bad month. First, the Justice Department, then the stock market. Maybe playing Microsoft Monopoly will cheer him up. Try it at


* What scares you? Find out the proper name for it at the Alphabetized Phobia List:*fredd/r e.html. By the way, Bill definitely doesn’t suffer from chromatophobia.

* Whoa, this is freaky, man: Sodaconstructor (https://sodaplay

.com/index.htm) may sound as if you’re brewing a Coke, but to quote the site, it “animates and edits two dimensional models made out of masses and springs.” And so much more.

Got a Web site suggestion? E-mail
