
From Music to Movies, It’s Just a Matter of Taste, No Doubt

Why is it that major dailies have a tendency to send out-of-demographic concert reviewers to pop shows?

While Richard Cromelin spends his 12 inches carping about No Doubt’s superficial albeit peppy stage presence (“Looking Inward, Rocking Outward,” April 17), he fails to mention just about everything else a concert-goer cares about: detailed set list, any unique occurrences, whether the openers were decent.

Does he even care whether his lead is accurate? “No Doubt? Try all doubt.” Cromelin seems to care more about being faux witty than presenting an accurate portrayal of the show. According to his lead, the band was completely diffident, when in fact attitude was the one quality he credits No Doubt with.


Inane writing aside, it would help if your concert reviewers would know the correct names of band members. Tom Dumont has been in the band since its inception. Citing him as “Tim Dumont” is an insult, especially in No Doubt’s hometown.


Los Angeles
