
Another of Sterling’s Staunch Supporters

Mark Heisler’s NBA column [April 16] missed the good points of the profile on Donald Sterling in last week’s Sports Illustrated.

Let me help.

Sterling: “Basketball is the only aspect of my life in which I haven’t been a winner.”

Translation: “I make money by losing and I’m happy.”

Sterling’s credo: “Buy it, improve it, keep it forever.”

Translation: “I’m going to sit on this team while the NBA improves its value and sell when the offer is too good to pass up. After all, I paid only $13 million and it is worth $200 million today.”

Sterling: “I never sell anything.”

Translation: “Show me the money . . . and then show me more money.”

Sterling: “I’d prefer to stay in L.A. and lose money than move and make a fortune.”

Translation: “I’d prefer to stay in L.A. and make money than move and lose a fortune.” (He was obviously misquoted.)


Sterling treats this team the way any landlord treats his buildings. Do little, if nothing at all, and spend only when you absolutely have to spend. Its value will only increase in time.

Heisler, you spent a lot of time criticizing Sterling in your column. The man’s an attorney by trade, you can’t insult him.


Los Angeles
