
Company Town Film Profit Report

This report is based on projections of total U.S. box-office gross from a consensus of industry sources and studio financial models. The U.S. returns represent only 20% of a film’s final revenue, which includes income from video, TV and overseas theatrical release. Typical industry marketing costs are factored into this profit analysis, as are the relative strengths of specific film genres in foreign markets. Results for the weekend of April 21-23:

$$Mega-Moneymakers ($50 million or more in profit)


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office office cost, in receipts Movie title Studio rank millions in millions Erin Brockovich Universal/Sony 6 $51 $125


$Moneymakers ($10 million or more in profit)


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office office cost, in receipts Movie title Studio rank millions in millions Rules of Engagement Paramount 3 50 65 Final Destination New Line 9 23 50 Keeping the Faith Buena Vista 5 29 40 Skulls Universal 10 16 37


Movie title Rules of Engagement Final Destination Keeping the Faith Skulls


?Tossups ($5 million in profit or loss)


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office office cost, in receipts Movie title Studio rank millions in millions U-571 Universal 1 62 65 28 Days Sony 4 43 40 Return to Me MGM 8 24 30 Love and Basketball New Line 2 10 25


Money Losers


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office office cost, in receipts Movie title Studio rank millions in millions Road to El Dorado DreamWorks 7 95 55 American Psycho Lion’s Gate 11 8 15 Gossip Warner Bros. 12 14

Movie title Road to El Dorado American Psycho Gossip 12


Notes: Cost estimates are for production only. Only half of box-office receipts come back to the studio.


Researched by RICHARD NATALE

If you have information or comments about the chart, call (213) 237-2001 or send e-mail to [email protected]. Send faxes to (213) 237-7837.

For weekly box-office listings, see Calendar section Tuesdays.
