
Maybe Landry’s Cowboys Were America’s Team

One of my heroes died today. I always thought it was the Cowboys that I loved, but the truth is, I loved Tom Landry. What a classy guy. As a child watching football with my dad, I never really understood the game, but I sure got that Landry was authentic and true. He just seemed like a real straight-ahead guy who wanted to play the game well and honestly.

He got treated really badly when the team was sold to Jerry Jones, and it broke my heart. I think Jerry is getting payback for that now. Tom, if I wore a hat, I’d doff it to you today.


Valley Village


The coincidence of Tom Landry’s and Charles Schulz’s deaths last Saturday has put the nation in a state of reflection and wonder at the dawn of a new century. At California Lutheran University, we are feeling a poignant sense of mourning for both of these great men because of their special connection to the university.


There could hardly be a greater distance, on the playing field, between the athletic heroes of the Dallas Cowboys, who trained on our campus under “America’s Coach,” and the hapless Charlie Brown, who never managed to kick the football. But at heart, the “Gospel According to Peanuts” was the same gospel of hope, trust and perseverance that Coach Landry taught his mighty Cowboys.

Southern California and particularly CLU cherish a special affection for both Landry and Schulz. From the time the summer training camps for the Cowboys began in 1963 and for 26 years after, CLU was strongly imprinted with the strength and values of Landry. When CLU established its annual Landry Medal in 1980 to honor persons who have reached the top of their professions and provide a powerful Christian model for America’s young people, naturally it was first bestowed upon Charles Schulz.

In death, as in life, in times of victory and defeat, Tom Landry and Charles Schulz will continue to inspire our nation--not only as American icons but as models of modesty, faith and fortitude.



California Lutheran University
