
Around the Yard

Things to do this week:

* Don’t forget the bulbs in the fridge. On more than one occasion I have found chilled fall bulbs in the refrigerator way too late to plant them. If you have been chilling tulips or other bulbs, now may be the time to take them out. Tulips require about six weeks in the fridge, and that time has probably elapsed by now.

* Protect from freezing temperatures. Avid gardeners are usually also avid weather watchers, even more so in winter when they are alert for frost warnings. When frost is predicted, move tender things in pots, such as orchids and bromeliads, under eaves or even into the garage for the night. If tender plants can’t be moved, cover them with old sheets or plastic tarps, removing these coverings during the day.

* Back off on lawns. During these cooler months, Bermuda and other subtropical grasses need no fertilizer and considerably less water, so be sure to adjust automatic irrigation timers and do not feed. Even fescue lawns are barely growing, so don’t over-water them either. If you water too often on shady sections of lawns, you might encourage moss to grow.


Immediately rake up fallen leaves from lawns or they will cause the grass underneath to rot.
