

City Council members approved $460,000 to help fund the seismic retrofitting of the Puente Hills Reservoir near Woodcrest Street in the northern part of the city.

The reservoir, a 5-million-gallon concrete tank that boasts the second-largest capacity in town, was built in 1955 and hasn’t been updated, said Martin Pastucha, director of public works.

A 1999 inspection found 77 distinct cracks in the walls, 32 of which are seeping or leaking, he said. A later study found that the structure is unable to withstand current seismic loads, he said.


Last year, the City Council approved $740,000 for the retrofitting project. The additional funds should allow maintenance crews to repair wall and floor damage, as well as the structure’s leaky roof, which has been bending under the weight of pooling water.
