
Historical Exhibit Created by Students

Rare photographs and reminiscences from Santa Paula’s agricultural past will be on display as part of a new exhibit at the California Oil Museum beginning Dec. 3.

Thirty Santa Paula High School students have gathered the historical memorabilia for the exhibit, “Fields of Dreams: Agricultural Stories of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” Teacher Ed Arguelles and curators John Nichols and Anne Graumlich have provided help in creating the exhibit.

“The students uncovered the rich agricultural heritage of Santa Paula and learned how to present their findings at the museum,” Nichols said. “The students’ research into Santa Paula’s agricultural past and present led them to study the lives of ranchers, pickers, wranglers and packinghouse workers.”


Photographs of workers who came to Santa Paula’s fields and packinghouses from China, Japan, Oklahoma and Arkansas are featured in the exhibit. Their stories are told in text written by the students to accompany the photographs.

An opening reception will be held at 1 p.m. at the museum, 1001 E. Main St., Santa Paula. Refreshments will be served.

Admission is $2 for adults and $1 for children. The exhibit will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday through Jan. 21.


For more information call Nichols at 525-7804 or the museum at 933-0076.
