
Oxnard Airport

* Re “ ‘Our’ Future Is That of People With a Better Vision,” Ventura County Perspective, Oct. 1.

Timothy Clifford Riley’s argument for closing the Oxnard Airport is logical and points out the dangers inherent [in] its continued operation.

Our beautiful pastoral community does not need the noise, congestion and pollution found around other nearby airports. Near-misses between airplanes and accidents from overshooting the runway are news stories that we are all familiar with.


A cursory review of the area surrounding the Burbank and Van Nuys airports shows that real estate prices are low because the area is unsightly. Nobody wants to invest in a nice home or in upscale commercial stores near an airport. Neighbors complain about noise, and there is inevitably prolonged litigation, petitions and complaints.

The Oxnard Airport truly benefits the few at the expense of many. The negatives of having this airport are obvious to all of us who live in this beautiful area.


