
Immigration Laws Apply to Students

I read with great interest the thesis concerning illegal immigrants in the California educational system (“Busted From College Because of Where They Were Born,” Opinion, April 15). Theodore Mitchell claims that illegal immigrant students in California have the same rights as legal citizens. He claims the core issue is not legal or financial but moral. That is correct. However, violating the immigration laws of this nation is immoral.

Obviously, the American way is the promise that as a good citizen you work hard; as a good citizen, you keep your nose clean; and as a responsible citizen, get good grades, and perhaps you will get into college. But these standards apply to American citizens and do not apply to illegal immigrants.

In his closing paragraph, Mitchell’s lachrymose lament argues that “These bright young Americans have enormous potential.” This is a specious argument. They are not Americans, and it is irresponsible for an American citizen and taxpayer to argue that we must ignore illegal immigration or educate another nation’s children.



Assoc. Professor Emeritus

Graduate School of Education

Cal State University, Long Beach


I feel that there have been too many bleeding-heart stories on the subject of illegal immigrants and college recently. Regardless that they came here as children with their parents, it does not erase the fact that they are criminals who think nothing of flouting our laws. They should be grateful for the education they have already received. If they want to go to college so badly, perhaps President Vicente Fox will pay their tuition.

Why Mitchell refers to these people as Americans is beyond my comprehension. One does not become a citizen simply by living here for a long time illegally.




Re “Undocumented Taxes,” letter, April 13: Dale Proctor correctly points out that undocumented immigrants help pay for our schools through taxes.


In the same vein, I wonder if anyone has ever calculated how much these people contribute to our Social Security system through payroll deductions without ever being eligible to draw any Social Security benefits.


Santa Monica
