
Is Sheffield a Man True to His Word?

Paul Gutierrez was too easy on Gary Sheffield in his report of Wednesday night’s game between the Dodgers and Giants in San Francisco. Sheffield lost the game for the Dodgers when he didn’t catch an easy fly ball to left field that immediately led to two home runs and a loss of a 4-2 lead by Chan Ho Park. Sheffield should have caught that ball!

Even Vin Scully waited to see if it would be called an error. The two home runs that sank the Dodgers never should have happened because there were already two outs when the ball was hit to Sheffield.

In the midst of his demands to be traded, Sheffield said that if he stayed with the Dodgers he would not give as much to this team compared to what he would do with a new one. Now we are beginning to see that he might have meant what he said. Last week Sheffield lost a ball “in the lights” in San Diego and Wednesday night missed a catch that any ordinary outfielder should have made. Are these signs of what he was threatening?



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