
Campaign Finance Reform Revived


Considered almost dead months ago, campaign finance reform is creeping back onto the congressional agenda despite the efforts of House Republican leaders to bury the issue.

This week, advocates of a ban on the unlimited donations to political parties known as soft money made notable progress in a drive to force their legislation onto the House floor. The development, little noticed as Congress rushed to adjourn, raises the chances of a breakthrough after lawmakers return in January.

Three Democrats and one Republican added their names to a petition that seeks a vote on campaign finance over the objections of House GOP leaders.


Such a maneuver rarely succeeds in a chamber where the majority party wields enormous power and rank-and-file members follow their leadership almost reflexively on matters of procedure. But with 214 signatures in hand, reform advocates are tantalizingly close to the 218 majority they need. One more member has said he will sign, which effectively leaves advocates just three short.

“We are right on the cusp of being able to get that bill up early next year,” said House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.). “And I will work endlessly and as hard as I know how with Democrats and Republicans to get that bill passed.”

The bill’s revival in the House would be yet another turnabout for a reform movement that has had many ups and downs. In years past, the House was the measure’s birthplace and the Senate its graveyard.


But in a milestone vote last April, the Senate approved legislation sponsored by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Russell D. Feingold (D-Wis.) that calls for a soft-money ban. With the Senate no longer an obstacle to the bill’s enactment, its prospects in the House got tougher.

In July, House debate was short-circuited by a parliamentary snarl--without any direct votes on the campaign finance issue.

The bill’s House sponsors, Reps. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) and Martin T. Meehan (D-Mass.), started what is known as a discharge petition.


By Sept. 10, the sponsors had 209 signatures and were predicting they would have enough to force a vote in the fall. But the terrorist attacks the next day on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon delayed the movement.

In November, one more lawmaker signed up. This week came four more: Reps. Alcee L. Hastings (D-Fla.), Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), Greg Ganske (R-Iowa) and Peter J. Visclosky (D-Ind.).

A Hastings spokesman said Friday that the congressman decided to sign after the House acted earlier this month on his main priority: legislation to fix problems in the election process. The other new signers could not be reached for comment.

In all, 195 of the 211 House Democrats have signed the petition--including all 32 California Democrats. Eighteen of the 221 House Republicans also have signed, in defiance of their leaders. The only Californian among the GOP renegades is Rep. Stephen Horn of Long Beach. One independent also has signed.

Advocates of a soft-money ban say it is the only way to shield politics from the perception of undue influence of corporations, unions and wealthy individuals able to make donations of $100,000 or more. Critics say a ban would only weaken political parties, not big donors, and could be an unconstitutional incursion on free speech.

Shays and Meehan said they are confident the petition will succeed. Counting a commitment from Rep. Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.) to be the 218th signer, Meehan said: “Obviously, we’re on the verge. We only need three more. We’re going to get a vote on this.”
