
He Admitted He Lied About Anita Hill--So Now He’s Credible?

It is sad to see David Brock trying to buy his way into respectability by admitting his evil ways as a right-wing hatchet man (“Author Who Trashed Anita Hill Now Confesses to Lies,” July 3).

I hope it was his conscience and not the prospective income from another book that inspired him. Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara went through the same cycle, but it took him more than 20 years to admit his mistakes during the Vietnam conflict.

I’m still waiting for Henry Kissinger to finally come clean about his nefarious activities during that same period.





I don’t understand why the Los Angeles Times hides the article about David Brock’s confessions of trashing Anita Hill and lying to benefit Clarence Thomas on the second page of the Southern California Living section.

His lies changed American history--that should have been front-section information!


San Clemente


We can applaud David Brock for admitting he lied and exaggerated details in his published accounts of both Anita Hill and Bill Clinton. But if he truly feels he “owes a debt to the historical record,” he wouldn’t charge readers for his contrition.

We can now applaud ourselves by not buying his upcoming book or paying credence to anything this boy who cries wolf has to say in the future.





Now David Brock says he lied in his book, “The Real Anita Hill,” to tar Anita Hill’s reputation.

As someone who was quoted a couple times in his book, caricatured in Jill Abramson and Jane Mayer’s “Strange Justice” and plagiarized in Brock’s review of their book, I make the following observation: When I read all the errors in Abramson and Mayer’s brief account of me and my role as a special assistant for then-Equal Employment Opportunity Commis-sion Chairman Thomas, I faxed my rebuttal to a few reporters, including Brock.

Brock printed my rebuttal in his review virtually verbatim, without attribution, as another reporter who had received the same fax noted. I concluded that Brock displayed laziness in not questioning me about my account. Brock wants fame on the cheap, any way he can get it. His laziness cannot negate the truths told by the many men and women who know Clarence Thomas and endorse his character and contributions to this nation. That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ to it.



Special assistant to Clarence Thomas,

1986-90 Director, Center for Local Government

The Claremont Institute
