
Death of Jim Clark

I was deeply saddened to hear of the brutal killing of Jim Clark.

I didn’t know his name, but I recognized him from the photograph as the person who through the years at Surfers Point had occasionally come up to the window of my truck asking for change as I checked the surf. At first I put him off, but later I gave in and gave him a few dollars in quarters I kept in my ashtray for parking money.

I was impressed by how well he took care of himself under the circumstances he placed himself in and how much of a gentleman he was when I told him I had no money. I even chased him down one time to give him a few dollars, after feeling guilty for not being more giving near Christmastime.

Recently, I noticed how tired and weathered he had become, and in the back of my mind, I said, “He doesn’t look like he will last much longer . . . “


It seems sadly ironic that those four boys somehow gave credence to Jim’s decision to turn his back on society all these years. May he rest in peace.

Dave Gunall

