
Differing Views of a Bid to Recall School Trustees

Re “Make Votes Count in Orange,” Orange County editorial, May 6:

Voters should compare the current Orange Unified School District’s accomplishments with the challengers’ complaints.

The trustees under recall replaced English-as-a-second-language instruction in the classroom with English-immersion programs one year before voters though the initiative process demanded the change statewide. Whole-language instruction was replaced with phonics. Traditional math instruction has returned to the classroom. The results: Last year’s test scores in 83% of the schools not only improved but also exceeded state-mandated goals.

Music classes have returned to the elementary schools after a 20-year hiatus.

The recall challengers are focused on teacher benefits, while this parent-run school board has a consistent record of improving student education as its primary responsibility.


Russell Patterson

Villa Park

When discussions about the possibility of a recall were initiated last June, the Orange Unified School District had just suffered the loss of 241 teachers--nearly a sixth of the total teaching staff--to other school districts. With the next school board election more than a year away, we feared the loss of hundreds more of our experienced and qualified educators before the school board could be changed. We did not believe our district could afford to wait.

The recall was undertaken after all other avenues had been attempted. Concerned parents and community members have tried for many years to convince this school board to moderate its extreme stances on a variety of issues. Hundreds of parents have written letters, addressed the board at meetings and organized activist groups to communicate their concerns. None of these efforts have moved the board members.

I am a parent with many years of active involvement in this school district. After attending nearly every school board meeting during the last five years, I am convinced that this board will never change its hostile attitude toward our teachers, who are the most important asset to our children’s education.


The decision to recall three school board members was a sad and difficult one. Unfortunately, it appeared to be the only way to prevent the exodus of hundreds more of our teachers.

Gisela Meier


Re “Both Sides Claim Win Over Ballot to Recall Orange Trustees,” April 24:

Special thanks to the judge who worked out wording that satisfies both sides. This allows the voters a real choice between the current board members and those trying to take their place through a recall. Let’s vote to keep a winning team.


