
Drug Policy Reform Part of Larger Agenda

Re “Change of Tune on Drug Policy?” Commentary, May 18: When we talk about prevention and treatment, let’s not forget that drug policy reform must be part of a larger social agenda that restores fairness and civility to our country. It won’t do a heroin user much good to get “clean” if she’s still living on the streets. The war this country most recently lost was President Johnson’s war on poverty. Now we have a war on the poor and minorities, and it’s called the war on drugs.

Ellen Komp

Mill Valley, Calif.

Ethan A. Nadelmann’s opinion that President Bush may soften U.S. drug policy was delusional. Bush has appointed fanatical drug warriors to the key positions. I predict he will jail more people than President Clinton, who set records. The two parties are beyond hope.

Dan Litwin

San Diego

It’s about time people realized that the stereotype of all Republicans being fear-mongering, prohibition-obsessed fussbudgets is so much stale baloney. The growing libertarian element of the Republican Party has had it up to here with the heartless incarceration of so many sick people and is making its voice heard more and more. When are we going to realize, as a country, that the myriad forms of vice will never, ever, disappear from our lives? The best we can hope to do is punish those who break the law in satisfying their habit and provide help for those who seek our assistance.


Kavi C. Grace

Los Angeles
