
Breach in Air Security: Screen All Baggage

As I watched the coverage of Monday morning’s horrific air crash in Queens, I felt compelled to immediately write the letter I have been wanting to write for some time now. For weeks we have been told about the beefed-up security at the nation’s airports, the National Guard, etc., and Americans are being strongly encouraged to return to the air. Until every piece of check-in luggage is also carefully screened or checked, none of this means a thing.

Although I do not yet know the real cause of Monday’s disaster, I feel very strongly that this gaping hole in air travel security is going to lead to more heartbreak for the American people. Today’s air travelers take a big gamble every time they board a plane, and this is one unbelievable security breach that should be corrected immediately.

Margaret Coburn

Hacienda Heights


Mayor James Hahn should not wait for the federal government to improve the safety of flying. He should mandate the immediate installation of scanners to examine all check-in luggage, as is done in Europe without undue waiting in line. To pay for these machines and their operators, he should collect a security fee from all passengers of between $10 and $20 each. This tax should be spent on full security screening, nothing else.


Janet Macaulay



On Oct. 29 I experienced what I thought was a pretty thorough search as I made my way to my flight at Ontario International Airport. I was patted down and emptied my pockets; they took my travel flask of whiskey and poured it out and went through my day pack. Later, as I was settling into my seat, I realized that there was a pepper spray in my day pack. I had forgotten about it. I carry it to fend off dogs in the course of my work. On my return flight on Nov. 4, I decided to leave it in my pack and went through security at Orlando International Airport. Again, the pepper spray was not found. Good thing I’m not a terrorist.

Micael McQuade



The longest flight across the U.S. is five to six hours. What does one need for this trip? The airplane ticket and maybe a book to read. All other things fit in a traveler’s pocket. If one does not like the food on the plane, a sandwich in a paper bag is easy to carry. All other things should be in the luggage compartment. When buying a ticket, one should be told that there will be no carry-on luggage.

Walter Allison

Seal Beach
