
Curb War Coverage

Yes, the realism of HBO’s “Band of Brothers” (arguably the greatest and certainly the most realistic dramatic series on war ever produced) is utterly disturbing, even to those of us who have tasted combat and seen firsthand the total destruction of a human being (“Looking to the Past to See the Present,” by Howard Rosenberg, Oct. 19). I have sat riveted to this story with tears welling in my eyes. And, of course, it has become more compelling since our own troops are at risk.

Rosenberg seems to feel, however, that the media should have firsthand access to everything that is going on in Afghanistan. The truth of the matter is that the results of war are simply too horrible to show. Even in Vietnam coverage, we really never saw the details, just the bodies. I cannot think of any good reason to depict such horror. I’ll never forget the first guy I saw with his brains spilling out of his head. It is something one never forgets and should never be depicted on the news.BARRY OLSAN Ontario

If anything, I wish that fewer details were available to the news media regarding what our military is now doing overseas. There will be plenty of time in future years for HBO to produce another drama regarding this conflict, just as they have done with World War II.


Let us fervently hope that at such future time there will be no military conflict underway that would prompt a TV columnist to ask why the news media can’t have the same amount of information as available in the HBO drama.


Palm Desert
