
Dangerous Driving Habits

I’ve lived a couple of blocks from Wildwood Elementary School for 19 years (Sheriff’s Deputy Hurt When SUV Hits His Motorcycle,” Jan. 11). Driving past during rush hour used to be polite chaos; now, it borders on urban warfare. I suspect that it’s much the same around other schools.

With the arrival of huge SUVs, cell phones, portable cappuccinos, etc., many young mothers (pardon the usually accurate stereotype) have become downright dangerous. Self-righteous behavior--such as double parking while chatting with friends, parking illegally, blocking traffic, making illegal and unsafe turns, crossing the street with total disregard for traffic and flipping off anyone who would give them a short beep of the horn--adds insult to injury.

Many local residents drive way too fast around the school and on adjoining streets. That’s why the officer was working in this area. It’s sad and ironic that he met his fate at the hands of one he was there to protect.


Why don’t the city, the school district, and the police work together to address all aspects of these problems?

Tom Robbins

Thousand Oaks
