
Seeking Freedom to Live Dog-Free

Re “Seeking to Silence Dissent at Leisure World,” Jan. 18:

As a person who will one day seek Leisure World’s environment, I’d like it to keep its “no dog” policy in place. I live in a high-rise apartment building in Los Angeles. The dogs bark and bite and have destroyed the common areas. This is what AB 860 could mean to Leisure World.

With a close eye on a growing senior citizenry, the pet food industry saw an opportunity to increase its billion-dollar-a-year revenues. How? Sneak into our Legislature through a back door with lies and have Gov. Gray Davis sign into law AB 860. This bill is bad public policy for Californians. It was initially written for dogs to be welcomed into mobile homes, but along the way big money stepped in from pet food companies and the bill was blown up to accommodate the new financial sponsors.

The well being of thousands of Californians who wish to live in “no dog” apartment buildings, condominiums and Leisure World has been stampeded by AB 860.


Please leave the “no dog” policy in place at Seal Beach Leisure World. And please contact Davis to amend this ugly bill.

Carole Wade

Los Angeles
