
Child Welfare Director Must Provide Direction

Re “Stop Drift in Child Services,” editorial, July 12: Your editorial was on target. Our county’s foster youth have been failed. However, you ignored three vital priorities: fast-tracking the adoption process, providing desperately needed assistance for emancipated youth and fixing a dangerously inadequate child-abuse hotline. Guidelines and objectives for the Department of Children and Family Services are well established, and the Board of Supervisors has been persistent in enunciating these expectations to the department.

The county child support office has been turned around by a capable director who takes a hands-on approach to problem-solving and is responsive to clients and the Board of Supervisors.

The DCFS’ new director must also be a strong leader with management skills, dedicated to following through on defined plans to meet the needs of our young people, who require stable homes and loving families.


Michael D. Antonovich

L.A. County Supervisor
