
No Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Immigrants

Re “Activists Walk 4 Days for Right to Drive,” Dec. 8:

So Pedro Tobar had his car taken away three times in three years. Was this due to his being unlicensed or was he driving in such a manner so as to attract the attention of a police officer? And if he drove this recklessly when he was fearful of being caught, will he improve after getting a license?

Kathryn Roush

Granada Hills


I’m having difficulty equating “illegal immigrant” with the right to drive. “Illegal immigrant” means being here without proper permission; ergo, they should not be here, and there is no right to drive. Driving is a privilege offered to law-abiding people of the proper age, physical and mental capacity.

On the positive side, applying for a driver’s license would be an opportunity to pick up these illegal immigrants and deport them to their home countries.


Stanley Greenfield

Woodland Hills
