
A no-strain lower-body workout

If you have stopped doing lunges and squat exercises because they bother your knees, then try doing this exercise. It puts less strain on your knees, while targeting your buttocks, inner thighs and hamstrings.


1 Kneel on a cushioned surface or mat, and position yourself on your forearms and knees. Your elbows should be directly below your shoulders, and your knees directly beneath your hips. Begin by raising your right thigh to hip level, with your foot in a flexed position (your heel should be pushing up). Look slightly forward and keep your neck in a neutral position.

2 Pull in your abdominals toward your spine and lower your right leg, bringing it across your calf and just behind your left knee. Do this move slowly, and feel your inner thigh helping to pull your leg across to the other side of your bottom leg. Remember to hold your abdominals tight; your lower back should be slightly rounded to bring the leg down. Lift your right leg again and do 16 repetitions. Switch legs until you’ve done two sets on each leg.



Karen Voight

Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
