
Food crusaders strike a nerve

Johanna NEUMAN’S article [“Obesity Fuels Their Fervor,” July 26] was interesting and informative overall, but people should know that the American Council on Science and Health and the Center for Consumer Freedom ... clearly do not have the public’s best interest at heart. No reputable organization would promote a fatty, animal-based diet. Any health professional worth his or her degree will agree that a low-fat vegan diet is best for lasting weight control and good health.

Elaine Sloan

New York, N.Y.


Thank you for the very important comments on health and nutrition. There has long been an unholy alliance between the medical profession, which has ignored preventive medicine and nutrition in America, and the pharmaceutical industry. Add to this the junk food industry, and we have a sad situation: The food industry breeds illness so the pharmaceuticals can sell their lucrative products. Ours’ is truly a take-a-pill culture. Ruth Rosen

Santa Monica
