
Christmas Is but One of Many Religious Holidays

Re “School Yuletide Observances Shift Into Neutral,” Dec. 22: I don’t have a problem with teaching in the schools what Christmas is or celebrating it alongside all the other traditions in the public square.

But we have to recognize that excluding Christmas and Christian references is simply an overreaction to the historical oppression, destruction and denigration of competing traditions by centuries of faux Christian activity; exactly the sort of faux Christian activity once again being foisted on us by the religious right today.

The birth of Christ was of no moment to the early Christians until Luke came along and put the big spin on it. The church simply planted Christmas in December to overpower the pagan solstice celebrations that were still going on at the time.


So sorry, Christians, you get no sympathy from me. Since it is “your” holiday, it is up to you to celebrate it the way you want, not for you to impose your view of the world on others.

Nat Colley

Los Angeles


The controversies surrounding school holiday programs remind me of my fourth-grade class activities. I was one of two Jewish students in a class of 30. My Jewish friend and I were happy to sing about Santa, Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman. When it came time to sing “Oh Come All Ye Faithful,” we told our teacher that we preferred to sit that number out.

Immediately, we were sent to the principal’s office. The school leader threatened that if we did not sing the song, she would call our mothers and make them come to school.


Without batting an eye, my friend looked the principal in the face and said, “Go ahead, they won’t sing it either.”

We were immediately sent back to the auditorium and told to be good boys

May we all remember that the 1st Amendment also protects freedom from religion.

Ed Kaz

West Hills
