
Action, Action, Action on State Budget Woes

Re “Fundraiser ‘Unfortunate,’ Governor’s Aides Concede,” Feb. 18: Since Arnold Schwarzenegger’s prowess as a fundraiser appears to be second only to that of George W. Bush, why not have him simply raise enough money to solve California’s budget woes? An efficient use of time and money. Then he will have his clean slate without our children and grandchildren footing the bill.

Laurie Guitteau

Santa Barbara


We have just received our refund of the vehicle license fee from the DMV. This is money taken from the budgets of local governments. Local governments are being forced to cut back on services because of the cutbacks by the state in the funds that are returned to local governments. Therefore we are writing a check for the full amount to Culver City.

We challenge all of you to send your refund to the city or county in which you live.

Danna Schilling

David Rosenthal

Culver City
