
Ask a Tough Question, You Get a Tough Answer

Sporting News

Ask a tough question, get a tough answer: What can steroids do to you?

Some of the short guys that I know that don’t do roids anymore are still short, and now they’re bald, weak and burned out. Many others have tumors growing somewhere or another in their body.

Want to get scared? Read this. It’s an e-mail from a young man in the Midwest. I had asked him to tell me about his experiences in our Steroid Age.

OK, here goes, informal, hope that’s OK.

One of my buddies did steroids (juice) for a year on and off. Before he started, he was a good kid everyone loved to be around. After, he beat the crap out of his girlfriend daily, beat up everyone else smaller than him and started in every illegal activity from theft to con scams.


I used to powerlift and bodybuild. About 85 percent of the males at my gym used steroids. A long list of professional athletes and bodybuilders frequented the gym and got their stuff. You could always find someone that had a bottle of testosterone or winstrol.

Half the guys, and a few girls, went completely nuts! Always getting into fights and trouble with the law, when before using the junk, they were good, honest kids. Yep, kids -- about 30 percent of the roid users were under 20. Why? Because the “big guys” are doing it, and there’s nothing wrong with it, especially if the pros are doing it.

One guy committed suicide after beating his live-in girlfriend. Me, I used for four months, only four months! After I had already been a good powerlifter, natural my whole life. So why did I use, even after seeing the B.S. other guys went through?


Because you don’t see it when you are in that arena! You only see the positives, like being able to lift more weight than 20 people put together. The pump, the power that is experienced is greater and more addicting than anything I have encountered.

Many guys will do anything to feel that way, I mean anything! After using for only four months, my personality changed. I became depressed along with all of my buddies, I lost a lot of hair, my testes shrunk, my moods became uncontrollable. So I stopped completely. Well, it didn’t end there. After a few months, my testosterone level was lower than a little girl’s. My hormone levels were so messed up that I went even more nuts (no pun intended). I couldn’t sleep. My muscles were wasting. I went from a ripped 222 pounds to 170 in less than seven months. All of my joints hurt. I was sick all the time. I had no sex drive, even when confronted by the most beautiful girl (damnit!). I continued to lose weight, my digestive system was totally off. I felt like crap. The doctors told me that I need to wait it out until I feel better. What? Until I feel better? When the hell will that be!?

Soon I started having muscle twitches all over my body. How freaking annoying! I went from doctor to doctor, trying to find some help. No help! Even the doctor known for writing bogus prescriptions for roids wouldn’t help me.


I looked in the mirror, and what did I see? Some little, weak, testosterone-less sicky. All for a few more pounds of muscle and strength! It’s ironic, I started out pretty damn strong naturally, but using steroids I ended up weaker than when I started!

Even when I did steroids, I did my research on them -- but not the right kind, the unbiased kind of research. It took me about four years to feel somewhat normal again. Four freaking years! For only four months of roiding!

Some of the short guys that I know that don’t do roids anymore are still short, and now they’re bald, weak and burned out. Many others have tumors growing somewhere or another in their bodies. Some have had heart, kidney, liver and lung problems. But some of them still use. Because if they stopped, they would feel 100 times worse than they do now.

If a steroid user doesn’t come off a cycle properly, it creates so many problems. It would take me five pages to list them all. Most of them don’t come off properly. Because they don’t know how! Most of the pros and big-time athletes that were doing juice were monitored by a doctor at some point and had some clean roids to use. What do I mean by clean? A great deal of steroids came from Mexico, which didn’t have any guidelines at all. Some once-beautiful girls now look like ugly men! Some guys get “roid butt” -- after an injection, the juice doesn’t absorb properly, and a big cyst develops. It hurts and looks horrible.

The stuff used by pro and Olympic athletes is better than the average guy’s, way complex and way expensive, especially with doctors to monitor them. And there are many ways to fool a test. So why worry, except it’s your life you’re ruining.
