
The Campaign Starts, With a Rat-a-Tat-Tat

Re “Television Ad Portrays Kerry as ‘Priceless’ Liberal Elitist,” March 9: Apparently, the White House is going to attack John Kerry on the basis that he is a rich man who, because of his extravagant ways, can neither identify with nor represent the interests of the “common people.” Perhaps we should forget that Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson were wealthy men who did a pretty good job of representing the interests of the common folk.

Just because George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush are rich and have failed to represent the common people doesn’t mean others with bigger hearts and different values can’t do the job.

Albert J. Grafsky Jr.

Palm Desert

Re “Off the Cuff and Into the Crossfire,” March 11: How disappointing that Kerry takes the low road in criticizing President Bush and the Republican Party as “crooks” when he thinks no one is listening. So much for a meaningful debate on policies and philosophies.


Isn’t it sad that the presumptive candidate of the Democratic Party seems to feel the need to descend to this level, especially when he thinks that the mikes are off and reporters aren’t listening in.

James A. Gorton


So what’s the big deal? Kerry is correct in stating, on or off the cuff, that the Bush administration is composed of crooks and liars and, yes, it is very scary indeed. As usual, the media are making a mountain out of a molehill. Sometimes, I really believe that the entire press corps, along with all of the TV “journalists,” is embedded with the Republican Party.

Kerry owes no one an apology, especially the right-wing fanatics in the White House. As a Deaniac, I say go for their Republican jugulars, John.


Edna M. Tobias

Hermosa Beach

Re “Bush Blasts Kerry on Swing Through Texas,” March 9: How ironic that a Republican, George Bush, criticizes a Democrat, John Kerry, for attempting to cut government spending. Perhaps with more than $530 billion in deficit included in his budget, Bush might want to look for ways to cut government spending himself.

Thomas Pat Joy

San Diego
