
Supporting Guns Over Public Safety

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist’s (R-Tenn.) statement that the Republicans would let the assault weapons ban expire (Sept. 9) is shocking in its callous disregard for public safety. His further observation that letting the assault weapons ban expire is consistent “with the will of the American people” is even more shocking in its pandering to the gun crowd and the NRA less than two months before the election. More wedge politics.

Ken Goldman

Beverly Hills


Commenting on Congress’ refusal to extend the 10-year-old ban on assault weapons, Frist was quoted as saying it was “the will of the American people” that this law expire. I have two words to say to Mr. Frist: Wanna bet?

Michael Wiener



Members of Congress have clearly shown us their message. They do not care about we, the people; all they care about, in this election year is we, the money -- in this case the NRA. The police have pleaded for this protection, many American streets resemble a war zone, but our Congress feels assault weapons have a definite place in our society. What a pathetic group of hypocrites we have elected; in reality, they represent only themselves and, of course, the gun lobby.


Fran Gale

Laguna Niguel
