
Fun or murder? Let’s agree to disagree

Regarding “Swivel, Fire, BAM” (Sept. 7): It was truly heartwarming to read of the camaraderie between some fathers and their children as they joined the like-minded to leisurely “blast” small birds. Shame on the cowards! And shame on The Times for validating their ugly deeds in this article.

Marge Hackett



Thanks for ruining my day by presenting me with the idea of millions of innocent birds going about the serious business of life suddenly shot to bloody pulps, so some thoughtless lamebrain can have

Jennifer Horseman

Laguna Beach


Loved your story, especially the page describing how doves fly -- that is the challenge, and the fun! Sept. 1 dove shoots bring back fond memories. In Sequatchie Valley, Tenn., our kin met yearly to renew family ties and shoot doves. Many mileposts took place on the dove field, including a nervous request by a groom for my cousin’s hand in marriage, and the nuptials of my daughter.


Emma Lewis Thomas

Santa Monica
